Node architectures of extreme-scale systems are rapidly increasing in complexity. Emerging homogeneous and heterogeneous designs provide massive multi-level parallelism, but developing efficient runtime systems and middleware that allow applications to efficiently and productively exploit these architectures is extremely challenging. Moreover, current state-of-the-art approaches may become unworkable once energy consumption, resilience, and data movement constraints are added. The goal of this workshop is to attract the international research community to share new and bold ideas that will address the challenges of design, implementation, deployment, and evaluation of future runtime systems and middleware.
This workshop will emphasize novel, disruptive research ideas over incremental advances. We will solicit papers on topics including, but not limited to, the following areas:
2022年11月13日 美国 Dallas
2022 IEEE/ACM Fifth Annual Workshop on Emerging Parallel and Distributed Runtime Systems and Middleware2017年06月02日 美国 Orlando