We, veterans of the Air Force Engineering Academy (VVIA) named after Professor N. E. Zhukovsky, welcome the beginning of your work and wish you interesting reports, deep memorable discussions and significant scientific results!
"Father of Russian aviation" – Professor N. E. Zhukovsky (1847–1921) by his selfless work laid the foundations of modern aviation research and engineering education in Russia. He organized the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute (1918) and the Institute of engineers of the Red Air Fleet (1920), which later became an internationally recognized military aviation University – Air Force Engineering Academy named after Professor N. E. Zhukovsky.
General Chair:
Khalyutin S. P. | Dr. Sc. (tech.), Prof | Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation, RF |
Sypalo K. I. | Corr. Member of RAS | TsAGI (Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute), RF |
Vorobiev V. V. | Dr. Sc. (tech.), Prof. | Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation, RF |
Technical Program Chair:
Davidov A. O. | Dr. Sc. (tech.), Assoc. Prof. | Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation, RF |
Program Committee Members:
Vasiliev S. N. | Full Member of RAS | IPU RAN (Institute of Control Sciences of RAS), RF |
Zheltov S. Yu. | Full Member of RAS | GosNIIAS (State Research Institute of Aviation Systems), RF |
Mikheev S. V. | Full Member of RAS | Kamov, RF |
Fedosov E. A. | Full Member of RAS | GosNIIAS (State Research Institute of Aviation Systems), RF |
Chernyshev S. L. | Full Member of RAS | TsAGI (Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute), RF |
Novikov D. A. | Corr. Member of RAS | IPU RAN (Institute of Control Sciences of RAS), RF |
Brovanov S. V. | Dr. Sc. (tech.), Assoc. Prof. | Novosibirsk State Technical University, RF |
Bukov V. N. | Dr. Sc. (tech.), Prof. | NII AO (Research Institute of Aviation Equipment), RF |
Buravlev A. I. | Dr. Sc. (tech.), Prof. | 46 TsNII (Central Research Institute), RF |
Vasiliev O. V. | Dr. Sc. (tech.), Prof. | EMNS (Experimental Laboratory NaukaSoft), RF |
Vinnikov D. | Dr. Sc. (tech.), Prof. | Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia |
Zhelannikov A. I. | Dr. Sc. (tech.), Prof. | TsAGI (Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute), RF |
Kulifeev Yu. B. | Dr. Sc. (tech.), Prof. | Ass. VVIA (Alumni and Staff Association of Zhukovsky Air Force Engineering Academy), RF |
Merkulov V. I. | Dr. Sc. (tech.), Prof. | Concern “Vega” (Radio Engineering Concern), RF |
Miropolsky F. P. | Dr. Sc. (tech.), Prof. | 3 TsNII (Central Research Institute), RF |
Rivas Rivas D. | PhD, Prof. | University of Seville, Spain |
Rubinovich E. Ya. | Dr. Sc. (tech.), Prof. | IPU RAN (Institute of Control Sciences of RAS), RF |
Houjun Xu | Prof. | Air Force Engineering University, China |
Shibanov G. P. | Dr. Sc. (tech.), Prof. | GLITs (Chkalov State Flight Test Centre), RF |
Kharitonov S. A. | Dr. Sc. (tech.), Prof. | Institute of Power Electronics of Novosibirsk State Technical University, RF |
Kachalova A. O. | Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation, RF |
Organizing Committee
Kharkov V. P. | Dr. Sc. (tech.), Prof. | Ass. VVIA (Alumni and Staff Association of Zhukovsky Air Force Engineering Academy), RF |
Kokovkin Yu. G. | Cand. Sc. (tech.), Assoc. Prof. | Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation, RF |
Gorshkov P. S. | Cand. Sc. (tech.), Assoc. Prof. | EMNS (Experimental Laboratory NaukaSoft), RF |
Markov V. K. | Cand. Sc. (tech.), Prof. | Ass. VVIA (Alumni and Staff Association of Zhukovsky Air Force Engineering Academy), RF |
Kachalova A. O. | Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation, RF | |
Agibalov I. V. | IDAZh (Publishing House of the Zhukovsky Academy), RF | |
Maslennikova T. V. | IDAZh (Publishing House of the Zhukovsky Academy), RF | |
Saveliev S. V. | Ass. VVIA (Alumni and Staff Association of Zhukovsky Air Force Engineering Academy), RF | |
Khuroshvili I. N. | Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation, RF | |
Tsvetkova Yu. V. | Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation, RF |
Davydova Marya | EMNS (Experimental Laboratory NaukaSoft), RF |